Tuesday, March 30, 2010

First Post

Hi everyone
Seeing as I've spent the last few months, in particular the last 8 weeks, on-line, searching, reading, crying, laughing, feeling bemused, I thought it was time that I contributed my own story to this maze of information that is the World Wide Web, either to become lost in this ocean of information, in these millions of waves of words, to maybe be drowned out by the clamouring of billions of souls expressing themselves here, or perhaps to be stumbled upon by readers just like myself, looking to share, discuss, understand, but above all to encourage and energise, and to be encouraged and energised.
I am a 38 year old woman who would like to share with whoever wants to read, my journey so far, through many trials and tribulations up to the present day, and my continuing journey, which, like yours, still has still far to go. Although it has not turned out at all as I imagined, hoped, or dreamed, I am starting on a new chapter, very different from what has gone before, and I am intrigued as to where this path will lead. I hope you'll join me for my next post where I start to explain the frantic reading of the last 8 weeks.